Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

Rand Fishkin

Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

Imagine waking up one day to find your favorite soda has vanished from store shelves. That’s exactly what happened with Sierra Mist, leaving fans puzzled and thirsty for answers. The Sierra Mist lawsuit has been bubbling up in the news, and it’s time we pour out the details. Let’s dive into this fizzy controversy and uncover what’s really at stake in this surprising legal battle. Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

The Story Behind the Sierra Mist Lawsuit

Sierra Mist, once a staple in PepsiCo’s lineup, has found itself at the center of a legal storm. The timeline of events reads like a soap opera script for sodas:

  1. 1999: Sierra Mist debuts, aiming to quench America’s thirst for lemon-lime sodas
  2. 2016: PepsiCo rebrands Sierra Mist as “Mist Twst” (spoiler: it doesn’t last)
  3. 2018: The Sierra Mist name makes a comeback
  4. 2023: PepsiCo announces the discontinuation of Sierra Mist
  5. 2023: Lawsuit filed against PepsiCo regarding Sierra Mist

But who’s behind this carbonated kerfuffle? Let’s meet the players.

Sierra Mist Person

The lawsuit wasn’t filed by a disgruntled soda machine. It’s the brainchild of Cierra Mist (yes, you read that right), a social media personality who claims PepsiCo’s actions have damaged her brand.

Cierra Mist, known for her quirky online presence, argues that the similarity between her name and the soda brand has led to confusion and potential loss of business opportunities. It’s a case of David vs. Goliath if David was an influencer and Goliath was a multinational beverage corporation. Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

by Yandex

Sierra Mist Controversy

The heart of the controversy fizzes down to this: Did PepsiCo’s use of the Sierra Mist name infringe on Cierra Mist’s brand? It’s a sticky situation that’s got legal experts and soda enthusiasts alike scratching their heads.

The public reaction has been mixed, ranging from support for the underdog to eye-rolling at what some see as a frivolous lawsuit. One Reddit user quipped, “I can’t wait for the Mountain Dew lawsuit filed by an actual mountain.”

Sierra Mist New Name

In a twist that’s got everyone talking, PepsiCo decided to rebrand Sierra Mist as “Starry.” It’s like when your favorite TV show suddenly replaces a main character and expects you not to notice. But why the change? PepsiCo claims it’s part of a strategy to better compete with Sprite, but skeptics wonder if the lawsuit played a role.

Related Post: Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

Cierra Mist’s Claims

Let’s pop the top on Cierra Mist’s arguments:

  1. Brand Confusion: She argues that the similarity between her name and the soda has led to mix-ups in her professional life.
  2. Lost Opportunities: Cierra claims potential partnerships fell through due to associations with the soda brand.
  3. Emotional Distress: The constant comparisons to a lemon-lime beverage apparently left a sour taste in her mouth.

PepsiCo’s initial response was essentially a polite version of “Who are you again?” They argued that Sierra Mist had been around longer than Cierra’s online presence and that no reasonable person would confuse a soda with a social media personality. Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

The Discontinuation of Sierra Mist

In January 2023, PepsiCo dropped a bombshell: Sierra Mist was being discontinued. Fans of the soda were left high and dry, wondering why their beloved beverage was getting the axe.

Market factors played a huge role. Sierra Mist had been losing ground to Sprite for years. Check out these sobering stats:

YearSierra Mist Market ShareSprite Market Share

Sierra Mist was clearly losing its fizz in the market. But the timing of the discontinuation, right in the middle of a lawsuit? That’s got conspiracy theorists working overtime.

Pepsi Dumps Sierra Mist, Debuts New Lemon-Lime Soda to Compete with Sprite

PepsiCo wasn’t about to leave the lemon-lime arena. Enter Starry, the new kid on the block aiming to steal Sprite’s thunder. Here’s how they stack up:

  • Starry: Described as “crisp” and “refreshing” with “real fruit juice”
  • Sierra Mist: Known for its “natural” flavor and clear color
  • Sprite: The reigning champ, with its signature “lymon” taste

Industry experts are divided. Some see Starry as a fresh start for PepsiCo in the lemon-lime wars. Others wonder if it’s just Sierra Mist in a shiny new can. As one beverage analyst put it, “It’s like showing up to a party in a new outfit, hoping no one recognizes you from last week’s embarrassing karaoke night.”

Corporate Controversies

The Sierra Mist lawsuit isn’t the first time a beverage giant has found itself in hot water. Remember the New Coke fiasco? Or the recent Coca-Cola lawsuit over their “healthy” soda claims? The soda industry seems to attract legal battles like bees to sugar water.

The Inside Scoop on the Sierra Mist Lawsuit Settlement Amount

While the exact figures are still under wraps, industry insiders speculate that any settlement could be in the millions. For comparison, Coca-Cola settled a false advertising lawsuit for $2.5 million in 2016. PepsiCo might be looking at a similar price tag if things don’t go their way. Sierra Mist Lawsuit: What’s the Scoop?

Sierra Mist Lawsuit Reddit

Reddit, the internet’s favorite water cooler, has been buzzing about the lawsuit. Some of the spiciest takes:

  • “Is this the most 2023 lawsuit ever? An influencer suing a soda?”
  • “Plot twist: Cierra Mist was Sierra Mist in human form all along”
  • “I’m starting a GoFundMe to bring back Crystal Pepsi. Who’s with me?”

The Inside Scoop on the Sierra Mist Lawsuit Settlement Form

If a settlement is reached, affected consumers might be able to claim a piece of the pie (or should we say, a sip of the soda?). Typically, these forms require proof of purchase and are available online. But don’t get too excited – settlements often result in coupons for free products rather than cash payouts.

Sierra Mist Trademark Expiration

Here’s where things get interesting. Trademarks need to be actively used and renewed to remain valid. With Sierra Mist discontinued, PepsiCo might let the trademark expire. This could open the door for Cierra Mist to potentially claim the name for her own brand. It’s like a game of trademark hot potato!

Why Was Sierra Mist Discontinued

Beyond the lawsuit, several factors led to Sierra Mist’s demise:

  1. Declining sales: As we saw earlier, Sierra Mist was barely clinging to 0.1% of the market.
  2. Changing consumer preferences: The trend towards “healthier” options hit traditional sodas hard.
  3. Brand identity issues: Multiple rebrands left consumers confused about what Sierra Mist stood for.
  4. Fierce competition: Sprite’s dominance in the lemon-lime category proved too much to overcome.


Did Sierra Mist Win the Lawsuit?

As of now, the lawsuit is still ongoing. Winning in this case could mean different things – a settlement, a court ruling, or even PepsiCo changing their branding strategy. Stay tuned for updates!

How Much Money Did Cerra Mistt Make?

While exact figures for Cierra Mist’s earnings aren’t public, social media influencers with similar followings can make anywhere from $50,000 to $500,000 annually. Sierra Mist, at its peak, was estimated to bring in around $150 million in annual sales for PepsiCo.

Did Pepsi Lose the Rights to Sierra Mist?

PepsiCo still owns the rights to Sierra Mist. However, with the brand discontinued, they may choose not to renew the trademark in the future. It’s like owning a vintage car – you’ve got the keys, but if you never drive it, what’s the point?

Why Did Pepsi Change from Sierra Mist to Starry?

PepsiCo claims the change to Starry is about reinvigorating their lemon-lime offering. The new brand aims to appeal to Gen Z consumers with a bolder taste and edgier marketing. It’s like trading in your sensible sedan for a sporty coupe – same function, but hoping to turn more heads.


The Sierra Mist lawsuit serves up a tangy mix of trademark law, branding strategies, and the power of social media. It’s a reminder that in today’s interconnected world, even something as simple as a soda name can spark a legal battle.

As we watch this case unfold, it’s clear that the beverage industry is anything but flat. Whether you’re Team Cierra or Team PepsiCo, one thing’s for sure – this lawsuit has given us all plenty to chew on.

So, the next time you reach for a lemon-lime soda, take a moment to appreciate the complex world behind that simple refreshment. And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll all be sipping on Cierra Mist – the soda, not the person.

Rand Fishkin, editor at, brings over a decade of experience in financial journalism. He guarantees precision and insightful analysis, leading a team on market trends and investment strategies.

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